Welcome to my day to day journal of having open heart surgery.

When I started this blog I was not sure if I would need surgery but after many tests and doctors visits I had valve replacement surgery on June 23, 2010. I was born with a congenital heart defect, a bicuspid aortic valve. My blog reads backwards (like all blogs)....not like a story in chronological order...so go all the way to the beginning (here) to read about my history and how this all got started.

Let me know you stopped by......leave me a comment :)

Monday, July 26, 2010

Scar -One month Post Op

So here is my scar and drain holes 1 month post op.  I am happy at how low it is....but I still have alot of swelling at the top and I cannot wait to start using Vitamin B on it to start the fading process.  For those of you coming to my blog prior to your surgeries....here is something I was not aware of.  You may have one, two or three drain holes from surgery.  Mine were left open, not stitched, to allow them to heal from the inside out.  They are starting to look better now.


Dorsel said...

hey Robin how are you doing. I am glad you are doing well. Give me a call when you get a chance.


Kang Nurul Iman said...

Thank you very Steady info ... hopefully more successful.
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