Welcome to my day to day journal of having open heart surgery.

When I started this blog I was not sure if I would need surgery but after many tests and doctors visits I had valve replacement surgery on June 23, 2010. I was born with a congenital heart defect, a bicuspid aortic valve. My blog reads backwards (like all blogs)....not like a story in chronological order...so go all the way to the beginning (here) to read about my history and how this all got started.

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Monday, August 9, 2010

6 weeks post op

      Well it has been alittle over 6 weeks since my surgery and I have to say I am doing very well.  I guess I thought things would be much worse but really I am getting back to normal.  I feel good 90% of the time.  I do have moments that I am overly tired, frustrated at things that still hurt and out of breath going up steps.  I guess as time goes by, I will see small improvements.  I did drive today for the first time.  It went fine.  The seatbelt is uncomfotable but I will bring alittle small something to place between me and it tomorrow.  The heart pillow from hospital is alittle large :) 
     Tomorrow, I go to see the nurse for Cardic Rehab.  I am going to go to a hospital closer to my work since I have to continue this for 12 weeks.  I hope I like it.  They want me to go for one hour, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for 12 weeks. 
      Next thing I have to do is an Echo.  It is scheduled for Wednesday.  They want to get a baseline for any future echos for comparison.  I just hope he is soft with me and does not jab that wand to hard.  Echos are not an easy test.  I am also concerned about the flipping from side to side.  I just recently laid on my right side for about an hour.  NOT a comfortable position....but I am trying to work on it.  Left side is not so bad....I am actually back to sleeping on that side.
     I also am going to start back to work earlier than I originally thought I would.  I decided to go back next week part time for 4 1/2 hours ...but just 3 days, Monday, Wed and Friday.  Kinda ease back into the swing of it all.  I miss work and I am looking forward to going back.  I just hope things are like they were when I left.  Alot can change in 2 months. 
      Incision and drain holes are getting better and better.  Spent some time in the sun and found a medium size bandage the perfect thing to shield the top part of my scar from the sun.  They say not to expose it to sunlight for full year.  So now I have a silly tan line on chest.....but it's ok.  My drain holes have completly closed !  Never thought it would happen....they both are still a deep dark red but they are dry and closed...wooohooo.
       SO there is my 6 week update.  All in all I am doing fine  :)

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