Welcome to my day to day journal of having open heart surgery.

When I started this blog I was not sure if I would need surgery but after many tests and doctors visits I had valve replacement surgery on June 23, 2010. I was born with a congenital heart defect, a bicuspid aortic valve. My blog reads backwards (like all blogs)....not like a story in chronological order...so go all the way to the beginning (here) to read about my history and how this all got started.

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

4 days Post Op

I am doing ok.  Dan just took this picture of me.  I am walking the halls now, not coughing as much and about to go home.....This very pretty pillow is from Mending Hearts.    So glad this part of this over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You look wonderful but I know you are hurting. Just keep up the good work and every day will take you closer to complete recovery. So happy to see your pretty, smiling face, take care.

Love & God bless
Aunt Carol Marie