Welcome to my day to day journal of having open heart surgery.

When I started this blog I was not sure if I would need surgery but after many tests and doctors visits I had valve replacement surgery on June 23, 2010. I was born with a congenital heart defect, a bicuspid aortic valve. My blog reads backwards (like all blogs)....not like a story in chronological order...so go all the way to the beginning (here) to read about my history and how this all got started.

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Update 4

Robin is doing better.  It is possible that she may be released tomorrow (Saturday).  Not bad, open heart surgery and released 3 days later.  That still depends on her getting up and around.

They just removed 4 pacemaker wires that went from her heart to the outside of her stomach.  Wasn't pleasant but they are gone.  They removed the drainage tubes yesterday, luckily I wasn't there to witness this.  I hear it wasn't pleasant either.  I do think she feels a little less pain now that they are also out.
A little earlier they also removed the bandages over her scar.  It looks even better than I thought it would.  I think she will be surprised by how well her scar looks in about 5 or 6 months. 
Yesterday a little older lady from Mended Hearts brought Robin a nice custom made Heart Pillow for her.  The purpose of the pillow is to put it on her chest and hug it when she needs to cough.  She also talked about the meetings that they have at the hospital.  She also showed Robin her scar from her surgery, that was the first time I have seen perk up and look so happy, she asked the lady if she could come a little closer be cause it was so hard to see.  This is one of Robin's biggest concerns.

1 comment:

Carol said...

Great news, so glad Robin is coming along so well.
Aunt Carol Marie